Current Status
20 th May 2011 3rd June 2011 15th June 2011
27th June 2011 27th July 2011 12th August 2011
5th September 2011 1st November 2011 11th December 2011
16th February 2012 1st May 2012 December 2012
March 2013 April 2013 Oct 2013
October 2013


April 2013

Front Lobby

Swimming Pool

Lift Area
March 2013
December 2012
1st May 2012
16th February 2012
11th December 2011
Raising The COURTYARD.
"The super structure is now taking shape. The fourth slab work is done. The fifth floor slab is progressing. The brickwork for internal layout are also making a headway."
1th November 2011 - Raising The COURTYARD
"Raising The COURTYARD"

The images shows that the raft and footing are ready for casting. It shows thedense network of steel reinforcement used in the foundation to giveanchorage to the high-rise structure. It also shows how organized andsystematic way the work is carried out on site by consultants and contractors.

Associated Architects , Mumbai
5th September 2011
12th August 2011
27th July 2011
27th June 2011

Raising the courtyard

The images show that raft footing and columns are casted on site. Sub-structure being  ready, contractors are now set to start with super-structure of the high-rise.

Associated Architects , Mumbai 
15th June 2011

Raising the courtyard

The images shows that raft footing and columns are casted on site.  Sub-structure is ready, contractors are now ready to start with super-structure of the high-rise.

Associated Architects , Mumbai 
3rd June 2011
20 th May 2011